Steam workshop download wallpaper
Steam workshop download wallpaper

You can now unsubscribe the duplicate Steam ones and only use your personal copy of them. As the steam workshop downloader is unusable now is there any other good way to download mods from steam workshop Beside that old steam workshop downloader site because that doesnt seem to work for me. Restart the wallpaper browser and you should see the backed up wallpapers now. by GamerSk218 NSFW Alternatives to Steam workshop downloader site. Rename the folder 431960 into backup so you'll end up with this folder that includes all Workshop items: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\wallpaper_engine\projects\backup.Copy the folder 431960 to Wallpaper Engine's installation path here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\wallpaper_engine\projects\431960.Steam stores all wallpapers in this location on your drive (depending on the Steam library where you installed Wallpaper Engine): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\431960.Creating a backup and severing all ties to Steam can avoid that if it happens too often. Similar to that, there are many reports that Steam will randomly decide to re-download all Workshop files, which can be an annoyance if it's many GBs of data.

steam workshop download wallpaper

Wallpaper Engine cannot prevent that, but if this is a concern for you, you can make a backup of your wallpapers.

steam workshop download wallpaper

When wallpapers are deleted from Steam for any reason, Steam will also delete them from your PC.

Steam workshop download wallpaper